
Music Catalog

My Music Collector list as viewed on Music Collector
NOTE: Cataloging still in progress… more to come!

I use Music Collectorz software to catalog my collection… it’s great and is available here.


Musical Instruments

Miscellaneous pictures of my instruments

Yamaha YHR-668NII French horn

Yamaha Montage 8 Synth/Workstation

Fishman Loudbox Artist


Hindley Street Country Club (HSCC), Adelaide, South Australia

Hindley Street Country Club (HSCC) Video Statistics




Here’s an amazing view of a few waterfalls in Norway. Spectacular! I grew up 25 miles from Niagara Falls and they are, indeed, majestic. However, I feel these waterfalls in Norway are at least as spectacular, maybe more so in my opinion. The clip below is an excerpt taken at 43:52 – 45:35 from the full video linked below. The whole video is amazing! Norway is a beautiful country.

Majestic Norway (4K FULL FILM) posted on YouTube by user prsw100


One thought on “Music

  1. zak

    hey, I don’t suppose you would be willing to sell your copy of huH CD 9, Catalog # HK0109D
    i am trying to complete my collection, and as these were through the mail only, there are unlikely to be any reprints of them.


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