Gender/Sexuality Relations

The following list shows all the gender-related books that I currently own:

My Gender/Sexuality/Psychology Reading List

Families Advocating for Campus Equality

FACE logo

It takes two to tango! Save our sons from false and unfair sexual accusations.

Families Advocating for Campus Equality

June 19, 2021

What Ever Happened to Flirting?

By assuming that any approach is malign unless proven otherwise, we lose something potentially risky—but also potentially wonderful.

Article by Zoe Strimpel, a historian of intimacy, journalist, author and commentator based in London.

June 19, 2021

“I like it when men look at me. It feels empowering. Frankly, it makes me feel like I’m not being excluded.”

January 31, 2021

A basic human male-female situation:

A man’s world… Tabitha Lasley’s extraordinary account of the lives of offshore oil workers.

April 17, 2023

Boys are facing key challenges in school. Inside the effort to support their success

An APA task force is spotlighting the specific issues and recommending evidence-based ways to enact swift change.

male teacher giving a young male student a high five

At school, by almost every metric, boys of all ages are doing worse than girls. They are disciplined and diagnosed with learning disabilities at higher rates, their grades and test scores are lower, and they’re less likely to graduate from high school…

April 17, 2023

Should Congress prevent biological men from competing in Women’s sports?

I can’t believe anyone would find it OK for biological males to compete against girls and women. It’s absurd.

The Biden Administration recently announced a new Title IX rule change that prohibits schools and universities receiving federal funding from implementing policies that prevent transgender students from participating in sports teams that are consistent with their “gender identity.” In other words, schools must allow biological men to compete in girls’ and women’s sports in order to receive federal funding.

This week, House Republicans will vote on a piece of legislation, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, which ensures educational institutions that receive Title IX funding are prohibited from allowing biological men to participate in girls’ and women’s sports.

Do you think Congress should prevent biological men from competing in women’s sports?

Andrew S. Clyde, Representative, Georgia 9th District


© 2009-2023 John A. Mason



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