Women In Submarines Controversy

I am opposed to mixed-gender submarine crews and the assignment of women to United States Navy submarines. I was involved extensively in the controversy surrounding this issue and this page is my history of that controversy. I also intend for this page to act as a ‘Lessons Learned’ source as more information becomes available on this issue.

© 2009-2023 John A. Mason

Current status and petition

Current status of issue: “Women to serve aboard US Navy Submarines”

Petition – Current List of Comments Opposing Assignment of Women To United States Submarine Crews

Petition – Comment Analysis

Petition – Make your thoughts known here

My documentation

My opinion of the controversy/decision to allow women to serve aboard United States submarines

My research methodology and contact information

My review of OPNAV 6000.1C “Navy Guidelines Concerning Pregnancy and Parenthood”

My contact list of VIP’s, HASC, SASC, my congressman, SecDef, SecNav, CNO, and MCPON

A sample of the letter that I sent to our VIPs

My Medevac experience and a Summary

Official documentation

Submarine Assignment Policy Assessment, dated 01 February 1995

NSMRL Technical Report #1219 “The Medical Implications of Women on Submarines”, dated 26 November 2001

Letter from Rear Admiral Hugh Scott to Congressman Ike Skelton, Chairman, HASC, dated 11 March 2010

Some articles covering the issue

The New York Times, article “Quiet Resistance to Women on Subs”, dated 13 May 2010

Center for Military Readiness – “Navy Ignores Warnings of Health Issues for Women on Submarines”, dated 13 May 2010

LA Times Op-Ed by Roger C. Dunham, “Women, subs and radiation”, dated 13 May 2010

The Washington Post, article “Plans to allow women and gays, ban smoking shake world of Navy submarines”, dated 22 April 2010

The Washington Times, article “Women in submarines face health issues”, dated 5 April, 2010

My Letter to the Editors of The Washington Times, dated 8 April, 2010

Commander, Submarine Group 10 Blog Scans

NOTE: These are .jpg screen captures of the blog entries and comments since the blog entries are no longer available

CSG-10 Blog Scan – Women In Submarines – 2 March 2010

CSG-10 Blog Scan – Change – and Progress – 22 April 2010

CSG-10 Blog Scan – It’s Official – 29 April 2010

CSG-10 Blog Scan – Current Plan – 19 May 2010

CSG-10 Blog Scan – Health and Welfare – 28 May 2010

CSG-10 Blog Scan – Women’s Advisory Group Underway – 8 October 2010

Further information related to the issue

Post to CSG-10 Blog by Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readiness, dated 8 April 2010

My letter to Mr. Fellman in response to the Navy Times Prime article “COB’s affair with mid put crew in the middle” dated 16 July, 2012

My Letter to the Editor of the Navy Times in response to the article “Hot summer cruise” dated 23 July 2012 (my letter was published in the 27 August 2012 issue)

My email to Ms. Kilmas of the Navy Times in response to an article dated 17 June 2013

Comparison of United States Submarine force to foreign submarine forces

Comparison to Canadian Submarine force

Midshipman Ops On USS Pintado – 1989 – Some Comments

An interesting and reasonable approach to study the issue

January 31, 2021

A basic human male-female situation, similar to what would happen on submarines (if we keep our eyes and ears open and not let political correctness sway us):

A man’s world… Tabitha Lasley’s extraordinary account of the lives of offshore oil workers

© 2009-2022 John A. Mason

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