My contact list of VIP’s, HASC, SASC, my congressman, SecDef, SecNav, CNO, and MCPON

Issue:             Proposal to Lift the Ban to Allow Women On Submarines Issue

Subject:         Status of Letters/emails to following VIPs as of 25 June 2010

My State:      Georgia

GREEN indicates confirmation of receipt

Senator Carl Levin, Chairman, SASC SENT 15 March 2010

Senator John McCain, Ranking Member, SASC SENT 15 March 2010

Representative Ike Skelton, Chairman, HASC SENT 16 March 2010

Representative Howard P. “Buck” McKeon, Ranking Member, HASC TRYING TO LOCATE EMAIL ADDR

Representative Roscoe Bartlett SENT 16 March 2010

Senator Saxby Chambliss, Senator, Georgia & Member of Senate Armed Services Committee ONLY CONTACT IS VIA WEBSITE – SUBMITTED COMMENT RECEIVED REPLY 17 March 2010

Senator Johnny Isakson, Senator, Georgia ONLY CONTACT IS VIA WEBSITE – SUBMITTED COMMENT  Received email response 25 June 2010 – 3 months and 9 days after my submission!

Representative Paul Broun, M.D., Representative, 10th Georgia District WEBSITE ONLY – SUBMITTED

SASC – Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Senator Jim Webb, Chairman, MILPERS SENT 16 March 2010

Click here to read response from Senator Webb, dated 21 April 2010

Senator Lindsay Graham, Ranking Member, MILPERS SENT 16 March 2010

 SASC – Subcommittee on Seapower

Senator Reed, Chairman SENT 20 March 2010

Senator Wicker, Ranking Member SENT 20 March 2010

SASC – Subcommittee on Strategic Forces

Senator Ben Nelson, Chairman SENT 20 March 2010

Senator Vitter, Ranking Member SENT 20 March 2010

HASC – Subcommittee on Seapower

Representative Gene Taylor, Chairman UNABLE TO SEND EMAIL WASHINGTON (202) 225.5772

Representative W. Todd Akin, Ranking Member UNABLE TO SEND EMAIL WASHINGTON (202) 225.2561

HASC – Subcommittee on Strategic Forces

Representative Jim Langevin, Chairman UNABLE TO SEND EMAIL WASHINGTON (202) 225.2735

Representative Michael Turner UNABLE TO SEND EMAIL WASHINGTON (202) 225.6465

HASC – Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Representative Susan Davis, Chairwoman, House of Representatives, MILPERS SENT 16 March 2010

Representative Joe Wilson, Ranking Member, House of Representatives, MILPERS SENT 16 March 2010

Department of Defense

Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates  WILL NOT BE SENDING

Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus WILL NOT BE SENDING

Chief Of Naval Operations, Admiral Gary Roughead WILL NOT BE SENDING


© 2009-2022 John A. Mason

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