My letter to the Washington Times, dated 8 April, 2010

April 8, 2010

John A. Mason

3874 Smithonia Rd.

Comer, GA 30629


The Washington Times

3600 New York Ave. NE

Washington, D.C. 20002

SUBJ: Letter to Editors


I am writing to comment on Monday’s article on Women In Submarines.

I am a retired submariner with direct experience on this issue. I am opposed to lifting the ban that would allow women to serve in submarines. Admiral Scott says “[the] U.S. submarine force and strategic defenses of the country are in balance.” I could not agree more wholeheartedly with him. It is inconceivable that the DoD and navy would consider lifting a ban PRIOR to conducting a study of its feasibility in this critical area. In 1994 the navy commissioned a study that justified placing the ban in effect. Nothing has changed to invalidate that report.

To Admiral Roughead’s assertion that ‘…the submarine force is prepared to execute.’, I would respectfully disagree. Virtually all of the submariners I have spoken with are opposed to this policy shift. This includes active duty submarine officers, enlisted personnel, and family members as well.

To the implication that only Conservative groups worry about the sexual tension, I counter that this is not a Liberal/Conservative issue. Indeed, I consider myself a very liberal individual. I believe in justice and fairness for all. However, when something as critical as the defense of our nation is concerned it is wise to take a measured approach based strictly on available facts and experience.

Anyone who would like to know more about this issue may review the documentation supporting my rationale at this location:

Very respectfully,


John A. Mason

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